Förutom källorna nedan kan den som är intresserad av Silvermuseets projekt Recalling the Past läsa mer om det här: http://silvermuseet.se/forskning/publicering/
Aronsson, K.-Å., 1991. Forest reindeer herding AD 1-1800. An archaeological and palaeoecological study in Northern Sweden. Archaeology and Environment 10. Umeå university. Umeå.
Bergman, I., 2017. Farmer fishermen. Interior lake fishing among coastal communities in Northern Sweden AD 1200-1600. Acta Borealia 2017.
Bergman, I., & Rahmqvist, P., 2018. Hunters of forests and waters. Late Iron Age and Medieval subsistence and social processes in coastal northern Sweden. Acta Borealia 2018.
Bergman, I., Zackrisson, O., Liedgren, L., 2013. From hunting to herding – Land use, ecosystem processes, and social tranformation among Sami AD 800-1500. Arctic Anthropology vol 50 no 2.
Bergman, I., Liedgren, L., Östlund, L., Zachrisson, O., 2008. Kinship and Settlements. Sami residence patterns in the Fennoscanian alpine areas around AD 1000. Arctic Anthropology 45.
Bjørklund, I., 2013. Domestication, reindeer husbandry and the development of Sámi Pastoralism. Acta Borealia 30:2.
Bjørnstad, G., Flagstad, Ø., Hufthammer, A. K., Røed, K., 2012. Ancient DNA reveals a major genetic change during the transition from hunting economy to reindeer husbandry in northern Scandinavia. Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (2012).
Hedman, Sven-Donald (2003). Boplatser och offerplatser: ekonomisk strategi och boplatsmönster bland skogssamer 700-1600 AD. Diss. Umeå : Univ., 2003.
Hörnberg, G., Josefsson, T., Liedgren, L., 2014. Revealing the cultivation history of northernmost Sweden: Evidence from pollen records. The Holocene 2014, vol 24(3).
Hörnberg, G., Josefsson, T., Bergman, I., Liedgren, L., Östlund, L., 2015. Indications of shifting cultivation west of the Lapland border: Multifaceted land use in northernmost Sweden since AD 800. The Holocene 2015, vol 25(6).
Josefsson, T., Hörnberg, G., Liedgren, L., Bergman, I., 2017. Cereal cultivation from the Iron Age to historical times: evidence from inland and coastal settlements in northernmost Fennoscandia. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 26, 2017.
Karlsson, N., 2006. Bosättning och resursutnyttjande – Miljöarkeologiska studier av boplatser med härdar från perioden 600-1900 e. Kr. inom skogssamiskt område. Studia Archaeologica Universitatis Umensis 21. Umeå universitet. Umeå.
Mulk, I., -M., 1995 (2:a uppl.). Sirkas: ett samiskt fångstsamhälle i förändring Kr.f.-1600 e.Kr. = Sirkas, a Sámi hunting society in transition AD 1-1600. Diss. Umeå university. Umeå.
Odner, K., 1993. Comments on Sami Viking Age Pastoralism – or ”The fur trade paradigm” reconsidered. Norwegian Archaeological Review 26:1.
Sommerseth, I., 2011. Archaeology and the debate on the transition from reindeer hunting to pastoralism. Rangifer, vol. 31, no 1.
Storli, I., 1994. ”Stallo”-boplasserne. Spor etter de første fjellsamer? Oslo.